Remote, Continuous, Undisturbed Monitoring of Socially Housed Rodents
The UID Mouse Matrix was developed to address the challenges researchers currently face when evaluating temperature and activity in socially-housed mice.
This novel RFID-enabled system allows for continuous and remote monitoring of digital biomarkers, temperature and activity, for one or multiple mice in their home-cage environment.

Monitoring Socially Housed Rodents Remotely, Continuously and Unterruptedly.
Allentown have partnered with Unified Information Devices (UID), the leading provider of radio-frequency identification (RFID) solutions, to provide a practical approach, a proven home cage monitoring solution in a scalable framework to fit all needs and budgets.
Using the UID home cage monitoring system, valuable research data can be collected automatically in real-time (24/7), even during the dark phases. In addition to remove experimenter bias, the system can help improve study outcomes by permitting frequent and accurate measurements of progressive behavioural changes over time in the same animal.
Non-invasive monitoring
Remote, non-invasive monitoring of up to five adult mice, with individual ID’s while in their home-cage environment.
Easily Integrated
The UID system is easily intergrated with Allentown’s NexGen and EasyCage IVC System.
Enhanced Animal Welfare
With the reduced handling need, monitoring temperature, tracking activity can be done undisturbed whilst providing alerts for health indicators.
Automated Data Collection
The UID system reduces errors, eliminates bias, and increases accuracy, reproducibility, and objectivity with automated data collection.
Effective Evaluation
Ensures effective evaluation of your animals physical and behavioural biomarkers and accurate measurement of progressive or sudden changes.
Flexibility & Scalability
A proven home cage monitoring solution which offers flexibility – able to monitor as little as one cage and scale to meet increasing needs.
Find out more with a discovery call today ...
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