Enhancing the efficiency, safety and well-being of research environments.
Animal change stations are critical components in research environments, providing controlled and sterile environments for handling and housing laboratory animals.
Protection for your technicians, your animals and your science.

SC Plus
The SC Plus provides superior protection during rodent procedures and cage changes. Compliant to EN12469 standard, the unit features HEPA-filtered Class 5, laminar downflow protection with a 12-inch sash opening, ensuring full separation between the work area and external environment for comprehensive animal and personnel safety.

You not only enhance the efficiency of your facility with the Phantom2 but you also prioritise the safety and well-being of your technicians and animals whilst still protecting the integrity of your science research.
Keen to learn more about how Allentown Solutions can enhance the efficiency, safety and well-being of your facility?
We’d love to hear from you! Fill out this form to schedule a discovery call with one of our experts at a time that works best for you. Or, if you prefer, give us a call on 01964 671 244.